Services and Meditations

SUNDAY 8.30am to 10.30am Long Meditation

Long Meditation: The long meditation service is a service, which allows Self-Realization Fellowship students to practice together the methods of concentration and meditation as taught by Paramahansaji in the SRF Lessons. The service consists of two extended periods of silent meditation, which are interspersed with periods of devotional chanting. You may enter or leave during periods of chanting on the hour, as not to disturb meditating devotees.

SUNDAY 10.30am to 10.45am Healing Prayer Service

Prayer Service: Uniting with Prayer Circles which meet regularly in all SRF temples, the prayer service allows devotees to pray for world peace and to pray for all those who request healing of physical illness, mental in-harmony, and spiritual ignorance. Devotees may also pray for their loved ones, as well as for divine aid in overcoming their personal difficulties. The group then practices the healing technique taught by Paramahansaji, which is explained in the free booklet, click link to:  ‘Worldwide Prayer Circle’.

SUNDAY 11am Scriptural Reading Service

1 Hour Scriptural reading service includes Prayers, readings, short meditations, chants and the healing technique.

Commemoration Services: Timings announced throughout the year.

A Special Commemoration Service is held to honour each birthday and Mahasamadhi of the Self-Realization Fellowship line of Gurus. “Mahasamadhi” means “great ecstasy”, the union of the soul with the Infinite during a God-realized yogi’s final exit from the physical body. Paramahansaji said that such celebrations are a great spiritual occasion on which the vibrations of blessing from an illumined Master are stronger than on other days of the year.

For ‘Birthday’ & ‘Mahasamadhi’ Services, please bring along a flower to be offered as a symbol of devotion to God and the SRF Gurus. In addition to the flower, please bring along a donation in an envelope as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness to the cause of SRF. This offering is sent to the SRF Mother Center to be used for sharing the sacred teachings of Yogananda with other truth-seeking souls.

Special services are listed along with other services on the Calendar of Services page.